Duration: 24 hours
What You Will Learn
- Effective techniques to help in resolving problems such as:
- whiplash, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel
- tennis elbow, rotator cuff injuries, torticollis
- migraines, dizziness, intercostal pain, back pain
- reflux, shortness of breath, anxiety
- as well as the innumerable problems that arise from sitting at a computer, driving and other repetitive strains
- Using systemic evaluation, observation, listening, gait/movement analysis and dynamic anatomy, participants will gain new insight and effectiveness within the sphere of trauma and injury.
An in-depth manual accompanies each Anatomy of Trauma© Module
To truly understand the hands, arms and shoulders one must view them as a whole, as wings attached to the torso and beyond. Spread your arms out as though you are flying and feel the movement in your body through all directions. You will feel movement in the scapula and the clavicle as well as tension in the attachment of the SCM. If you stand very straight and let your arms hang heavily by your side you will discover that the arms hang from the occiput, the temporals and the mandible; stretch them above your head and the pull will be felt through the chest to the iliac crest, the pubis and the sacrum; stretch them out to the side and you will feel the connection through the latissimus dorsi to the iliac crest and through pectorals to the sternum and on to the diaphragm. Rarely can a problem be treated in the area of pain alone. With that in mind, students are taught a ‘global approach’ concept of treatment called TraumaPractik.
ANATOMY of TRAUMA© workshops emphasize thinking outside the box and viewing the body as much more than the sum of its parts. The question “What am I really looking at?” is key in assessing each individual and devising the appropriate treatments. The whole person, their history, posture, gait, culture, environment, work, family and beliefs are all important considerations in uncovering the source of pain. TraumaPractik is a unique approach to solving core issues.
- DISCUSSION of INJURY and TRAUMA (numerous related papers will be advised reading)
- Types of trauma (physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual)
- Differences between injury and trauma (fight, flight, freeze)
- Nature of force
- Ramifications of trauma from the individual, local and global perspective.
- Eight steps of healing
- REVIEW of PRINCIPALS, CONCEPTS and LAWS useful in understanding injury and trauma.
- Principals:
- ischemia, trigger point, nerve compression/entrapment, postural distortion, and biomechanical dysfunction, morphogenesis/stasis/kinesis
- Laws:
- Pflugers, Arndt-Shultz, Davis, Wolff, Hooke, Hilton, Newton, Herring
- Concepts – a brief overview of:
- Osteopathic Concepts: the body as a unit, structure and function are reciprocally inter-dependent, the body has a system of autoregulation, an healthy body has an inherent ability to defend and repair itself
- Bio-tensegrity and it’s vital role in every aspect of the human body and of life itself
- Epigenetics and its relevance in health
- Principals:
As well, we’ll consider numerous paradigms (Einstein’s theory of relativity, Darwin’s laws, Heizenberg’s uncertainty principle, Burr’s holographic concept) and how they apply to health and healing.