Course Outline
Anyone who has built or owned a house understands the value of a healthy foundation. Defects therein can be very costly. So it is with our bodies. In humans, the evolutionary foundation is now a bi-pedal one and there has been a continuous adjustment and readjustment to forces upon us. Each step we take sends ‘shock waves’ through our body and the ability of our ‘foundation’ to adapt has a direct consequence to our health and well-being. Our feet are marvels of architecture and function. Misalignment of their bones can have a profound effect on posture. Conversely, foot problems may be a sign of strain passed down from elsewhere…spine, pelvis, hips, and knees for instance. In module 3 we will examine the dynamic anatomy of the bones, fascia, muscles and joints of our support mechanisms. Participants will learn numerous techniques to relieve pain, restore proper alignment and remove restrictions that limit movement.
The Anatomy of Trauma© is a series of 3 and 4 day workshops designed to enhance your skills and add numerous hands-on techniques that address chronic and difficult problems. Each module is accompanied with a detailed manual that also includes photos of each treatment.
Bring your hands, educate your mind and learn multiple techniques to address each of the following:
- Back, SI joint, and sciatica pain
- Hip and Ilio-tibial band issues, and knee pain
- Poor posture, scoliosis, and pseudo short leg
- Plantar fasciitis, sprains and strains of the feet and ankles,
- Tib/fib interosseous membrane issues (such as shin splints)
- Pelvic floor issues (menstrual cramps, urinary problems) and release of pudendal nerve entrapment
- Palpation of the fascia and the cranio-sacral rhythm
- Release of scar tissue
We will also discuss:
- Biomechanical laws and osteopathic concepts and how they apply
- Underlying causes of pain and myofascial dysfunction
- How to assess appropriate individual treatments as there are no cookie-cutter solutions
- Fundamental influences on myofascial chains including physical, emotional, postural and combinations there of
- Injury and trauma, their differences and their effect on the body and brain